Section: Application Domains


health-care, patient monitoring, medicament usage, pharmaco-immunology, health-care pathways, wireless sensors

Clinical monitoring, electronic patient records and computer supported disease management produce more and larger volumes of clinical data. This data is a strategic resource for healthcare institutions. Data mining brings the facility to discover patterns and correlation hidden within the data repository and assists professionals to uncover these patterns and to exploit them to improve medical care.

We are working on two aspects of health-care:

  • exploitation of data from the french care insurance (Assurance Maladie) that contains records of medicament reimbursements for pharmaco-immunology purposes. Our goal is to reconstruct and mine patients' healthcare pathways in order to detect regularities and anomalies in the way patients take medicaments and alert medical authorities in case some problem is detected, such as non expected negative consequences of medicament intake. We are working in the framework of a project funded by the National Medicament Security Agency (ANSM - Agence Nationale de la Sécurité du Médicament) for building a platfom enabling focused studies on specific medicaments as well as discovering potential problems with medicament usage. This means selecting from billions of patients records, patients sharing similar medical contexts and showing different consequences of medicament intake,

  • veterinary monitoring of feedlot cattle in big farms from sensors recording behavioral and physiological data. As farms are becoming bigger and bigger, detecting ill animals by visual appraisal is becoming more and more difficult. With the advent of cheap wireless sensors, animals (i.e. cows or steers) may be monitored in quasi real time for detecting relevant changes in their behavior that could be related to specific diseases. We are exploring diverse methods for detecting changes on multivariate data, such as cusum charts, specific sequential patterns or distribution of frequent patterns. We are specifically working with veterinaries from the university of Calgary (Canada) for monitoring feedlot cattle in farms growing up to 50.000 animals.